
The News Guide offers you a small overview of all the topics that are currently within the Affenzahn world.


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The new Affenzahn slippers are here! Perfect for indoors, they combine beastly cool designs with maximum comfort. Whether cuddly Dreamy, flexible Flinky or airy Movy - there is a suitable companion for every adventure.
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Discover sustainable DIY tree decorations made from wooden slices with Affenzahn! In our blog post, we show you how to make Christmas tree decorations for the whole family using natural materials and creative ideas.
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An animal-themed Advent calendar is a wonderful way to countdown to Christmas with cute animals. It is easy to make and can be personalized.
AFZ // Hero // Kleine Füße, große Abenteuer – mit den Affenzahn-Winterschuhen
With winter shoes from Affenzahn, little feet stay warm and dry even on cold days. Our shoes are waterproof, lightweight and offer a secure grip on any surface - perfect for little explorers who want to experience adventures outdoors in winter too.
Contentful Vorlage
Plötzlich ist es soweit: Die Kleinsten werden immer mobiler! Sie robben, krabbeln, ziehen sich überall hoch, hangeln sich an Gegenständen entlang oder versuchen sich an den ersten Schritten. Generell ist es am besten die Welt barfuß zu erkunden. Jedoch brauchen die kleinen Füße einfach noch etwas Schutz. Unser neuer Krabbelschuh "Crawly" passt dazu perfekt! Hier erfährst du alles Wichtige zum Crawly und anderen wichtige Facts zum Schuhkauf für die Kleinsten.
afz blog hero winterspaziergang
A winter walk with children becomes an adventure with the right clothing and a little preparation. In this blog article, you'll find tips for warm outfits, safe routes and creative ideas for breaks - for unforgettable winter fun!
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10 models, exclusive online styles and an almost endless variety of colors. The new Affenzahn shoe collection for spring and summer is here. More than anything else it will be: colorful! What’s new? What's different? Find out here!
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Once children learn to walk, it is literally a big step in their development. It’s time to get their first pair of shoes. “Prewalkers” are ideal – even if the name is slightly ambiguous. Find out everything you need to know here.
Get out of your socks and finally free up your toes again. All of us, and especially children, can hardly wait for sandal season to start. Learn all about sandals here.
The new Affenzahn collection is here! For spring and summer 2023, we’ve packed lots of new arrivals into our collection again. What’s new, what’s different – here’s everything you need to know!
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Backpacks, barefoot shoes and now a balance bike – how do they fit together? No, we don't have a screw loose – on the contrary: The fact that Affenzahn is now also producing children’s bikes makes perfect sense!
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Super-light, waterproof and reflective, they come with lots of playful elements that are simply fun to wear: The Affenzahn shoes for fall and winter are real all-rounders. Here’s the video evidence!
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Für die neue Affenzahn Kollektion SS23 begeben wir uns in die Tiefe des Meeres. Der Schutz des wunderschönen Lebensraums liegt uns sehr am Herzen – genauso wie unserem Partner, der Weltretterbande. Hier verraten wir Dir alles über unsere neue Kooperation.